Humano abrazando perro

Noticias y consejos

Organize activities with dogs

It can seem overwhelming trying to organize activities that interest both owners and dogs. One of the first things that comes to mind is outdoor activities, but there is actually much more to discover. Not all is invented yet. There is a whole world to explode regarding the pet market! Take these tips into account and you can turn any activity into dog friendly (dog friendly activities).

Covers your basic needs. Offering a bowl of fresh, clean water shouldn’t take a lot of effort. Even if you have an establishment, you can put the bowl on the door and the dog will be the first to notice your business. You can also add foods that dogs can eat.

Take into account their physiological needs. Depending on the activity, they often have the urge to pee and poop. For example, after swimming in the pool, they often want to pee. Depending on the space and characteristics of your business, you could even set up a place where they can relieve themselves. Maybe even put a trash can next to it so the owners can throw out the poop.

Make sure you remove anything fragile, potentially dangerous, or that you don’t want dogs to reach. Also, organize the activity in such a way that the dogs are not left alone or unattended.

Dog families require more living space than usual. The perimeter of personal space must be higher since the dog also needs his space. Take into account 1.50 meters minimum. For example, if you have a cafeteria you could add more space between tables.

If you want to win the hearts of the furry and not doggy, offer a treat for dogs to reward good behavior. They will love it! Remember to ask if you can reward the dog before giving it the treat. There are dogs that have a controlled diet due to a health problem.

In the case of doing an activity in summer, it is advisable to add shade, access to fresh and clean water. It is preferable that the activity is carried out next to a space to soak, especially in the hottest hours. For example, if the activity is a trail lasting several hours, it is better to be next to a river and with shady areas along the way.

Not all owners are the same. Nor are all dogs the same. Therefore, think about your activity for a profile of owners and dogs, considering the level of energy that it will require and the type of activity. In Groupet, your potential clients will be able to locate you by indicating the type of experience they are looking for and / or the type of dog family they form. Categorize your experience appropriately based on the level of energy or the type of audience desired and customers will be able to locate you with one click. For example, if the activity you plan to do is quite relaxed, you will probably be interested in categorizing it as suitable for adult and older dogs.

Finally, consider the happiness and needs of both the client and the dog. Happy dog, happy owner!

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